
Coping With Culture Shock

Going to live abroad is an exciting experience that requires preparation.I am not talking about technical issues such as how many pairs of shoes you should bring with you. I am talking about the big preparation, the one that is essential to making your experience rich and positive. Before you go, get prepared to experience culture shock.
Some of you may say "Culture shock? Not for me. Where I'm going is only an hour's flight from home."
It is true that the degree of difference in one's host culture is important, but this is not the only variable. And let's not forget that the concept of culture can also be used for an organization,  a company or an institution. As a result, even a simple reorganization may generate culture shock.
So, what is culture shock? Well, it's a mix of emotions. Feelings of loss, confusion, stress, anxiety and impotence that comes from both the challenge of new cultural surroundings and from the loss of a familiar cultural environment.
In my experience, culture shock can be divided into four stages:

1. The Honeymoon

"Oh, this is wonderful. Let's go there. Amaaazing!"  I was so excited in my first month because everything seemed really different from China. You maybe same with me. You are obviously excited and have an idealised view of the new culture. Anxiety and stress may be present but your general euphoria overtakes them.
Jim Li, is my friend who is a master student in Columbia University . He remembers that when he arrived in New York he was curious about everything, from food to museums. "I actually didn't feel any sense of belonging. To me it was more like watching a beautiful movie without being part of it."

2. The Crisis Phase

"I am tired. No one understands me. I want to go home!" This is my true feeling after my honeymoon phase.I believe most international students would say something just before you kick the closet with your bare foot. Reality is back.
This phase occurs anywhere from the first two weeks to several months. Some of these differences you found so "amaaazing" in the first place, start to really get on your nerves. For me, I was struggling to make myself understood by locals, I felt like a child; confused and tired.

3. The Adjustment Phase

"I am still here. Well done!" I said to myself.  Understanding, acceptance and adaptation is key now. In this phase we will start to face new challenges in a positive way.
We will finally understand the new culture is different, accept it as it is and start to adapt your values, personality and behaviour to the host culture.

4. The Resolution Phase

"This is home guys!" In the final phase, we have developed our routine and the efforts we put in place in the previous stage are now imperceptible. We are stable emotionally and we feel comfortable.
Sarah O is currently studying a master's degree in Canada. She just arrived in Montreal three months ago and already feels like she's in the resolution phase. "I've learned new behaviors that are now automatic reflexes, like waste recycling. I am also now more curious about the country's politics and the way institutions work."

Coping with Culture Shock

First of all, congratulations! You've just passed the first step that leads to the resolution. Indeed, now you know more about culture shock, you will be able to identify it when it happens.
If you feel tired, if you are emotionally sensitive, if you are critical of the culture, if you want to go home, then you will know it is a normal reaction and you should not give up. Just understand, accept and adapt! 
From my experience, I here want to give international students some more tips.
  • Before you go, read some books about the place where you will be staying. This will help you develop more realistic expectations and will involve you even more in the project.
  • Cover your basic needs and ensure your security is met. Choose a safe area to live in, ensure your budget is under control, bring any medication you may need with you, as well as your earplugs if you are sensitive to noise.
  • You can also create a sense of safety by bringing familiar items with youI brought some pictures of my friends and family - as well as my teddy bear! It actually helped me feel at home at the beginning of my stay.
  • Keep in touch with home by using Facetime, Skype, telephone and message - you are spoiled for choice! It may be difficult sometimes to keep a relationship going only by email, so do pick up your phone from time to time, it really makes the difference.
  • In times of instability, a feeling for your own culture when abroad is always comforting - speaking your own language, eating typical food, reading online newspaper from home. But be careful not to overdo these tricks, as they can be a way of resisting the change. I think we should try to tackle the language barrier as early as possible. It might be difficult at the beginning, but it is rewarding.
  • Maintain a network of people you love, you trust and who will give you confidence when you feel unsettled. As I am a fan of cinema, so I joined a club. This is generally a good way for me to meet local people in a relaxed atmosphere. However, if you are not a fan of anything in particular, then I recommend you to try something new and something local. For example, you can try to play hokey if you are a man or at least watch a hokey game if you don't like sport. And don't forget volunteering opportunities in your universities, which can be a great way to feel part of a local community.
Now I believe you should be more equipped to face culture shock if it happens. Indeed, some people don't feel it at all, others feel it strongly. The intensity of culture shock depends on so many factors that you can't really generalize. But at least you are aware of it, and you'll know you're not the only one feeling this way!

Finally, make the most of this unique experience and wherever you are in the world, have fun:)

